News (2023)1 December 2023|ResearchIndia’s traditional agriculture in jeopardyPhoto: UHH/SchröderClimate change is impacting agriculture in regions around the globe. Things will become especially difficult in areas like the Himalayas of Northeast...21 November 2023|ForschungIs the floor of the Baltic leaky?Photo: UHH/CEN/T. WasilewskiIn the future, what can we do with CO2 to ensure it doesn’t reach the atmosphere? One option is subterranean sequestration: CO2 is captured during...20 October 2023|CEN News“Perhaps the most modern conference yet from the World Climate Research Programme”Photo: UHH/CEN/S. Nandini-WeißFrom October 23 – 27, Kigali, Rwanda will host the Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference – a cutting-edge event that will bring...29 September 2023|VeranstaltungClimate Research and Future ScenariosPhoto: UHH/CEN/F. NeigenfindUnder the motto “Climate Research and Future Scenarios,” the sixth Student Climate Congress was held on September 21 in Hamburg. More than 650...19 July 2023|ResearchCO2 Prices Are Also Good for Your HealthPhoto: Unsplash/NikWas the German eco-tax a flop? Since 1999, gasoline and diesel have been taxed nationwide. The initial plan was to increase the percentage every year...17 July 2023|Forschung"As if a ten-kilometer-long clarinet were buried in the ground"Photo: UHH/CEN/C. HadziioannouLike a very, very low note: Seismologists have been puzzling over vibrations originating beneath the sea in the Gulf of Guinea since the 1960s. The...15 June 2023|ResearchHow Transparency Can Make Companies GreenerPhoto: Unsplash/Cai FangWhat are companies actually doing to reduce their CO2 emissions? It is often unclear. Currently, only 600 German companies are required to publish a...11 May 2023|CEN NewsHow Boxes and Triangles Can Help Explore the Coastal OceanPhoto: Mathis et al. 2022When it comes to research on global climate change, the coastal ocean is hardly considered – even though it can absorb and store CO2. The reason: our...20 April 2023|CEN NewsSatellites help gauge climate sensitivityPhoto: PexelsHow much thermal energy does the Earth emit to space? This is a key climatic factor, which the long-wave feedback parameter can lend insights into. A...27 March 2023|Research“My work will help depict climate change more precisely”Photo: UHH/CEN/KellerSince this March, meteorologist Dr. Kaah Menang has been a Humboldt Fellow at the CEN. The research scholarship, awarded by the Humboldt Foundation...23 March 2023|CEN NewsHow Emissions from Large Ships Spread Throughout HamburgPhoto: Bernd Dittrich, UnsplashShipping is an important economic sector and offers a comparatively clean way to transport large amounts of goods: if the same number of containers...8 March 2023|CEN NewsSustainability in BrazilPhoto: Pixabay/PoswiecieBrazil has the greatest biodiversity of any country in the world. But to date, it has also been characterized by inconsistent environmental policy...17 February 2023|ResearchSICSS Goes PodcastPhoto: Shabeh ul Hasson“As a child, I was fascinated by the layers you see in some mountains. To me, they looked like the pages of a giant book – and I asked my mother how...8 February 2023|Studies and teachingThe floating universityPhoto: Rolf KoppelmannHow do students best learn to explore the sea? On board a research vessel! Students from the University of Bremen and the University of Hamburg took...10 January 2023|CEN News“Thinking outside our own academic box”Photo: UHH/CENThe Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) now has a new Director: effective January 1, Prof. Grischa Perino from the WiSo Faculty...3 January 2023|CEN NewsAdapting to Climate Change: Cities Will Have to Fundamentally TransformPhoto: Unsplash/ Atilla BingölDuring heavy rainfall events, when a certain amount of rain is exceeded in just a short time, cities can face challenges of urban flood risk...