HOPE - Melpitz Campaign 2013

Work package 3 of the HD(CP)² Prototype Experiment comprises the coordination of the experiments, the operation of the measurement platform LACROS (ground-based remote sensing of clouds, aerosol and turbulence with radar, Raman lidar, wind lidar, laser ceilometer, microwave radiometer) and ACTOS (helicopter-based measurements of aerosol and cloud microphysics and turbulence) as well as the analysis and appropriation of the data. To this end the second field campaign in Melpitz (HOPE-Melpitz) took place. HOPE-Melpitz took place from 10.09.2013 to 27.09.2013. This field experiment concentrated on the closure of the joint ground-based remote sensing techniques with the in-situ observations from ACTOS. In addition, measurements of a large number of devices for the chemical and microphysical characterization of the surface-near aerosol were performed that provide additional boundary conditions for the planned coupling of LACROS and ACTOS measurements. During the periods of the field experiments all measurements were running continuously for most of the time. First quality-controlled data sets of the microphysical characterization of aerosols and clouds are available.
These data sets are part of the SAMD archive. See research section, to find more information about the SAMD Archive.
Data sets
- hopm-lac-cln00-l4-iwc (Cloudnet ice water content dataset)
- hopm-lac-dm00-l1-any (LACROS disdrometer data)
- hopm-lac-mwr00-l2-clwvi (Microwave radiometer retrieved clwvi)
- hopm-lac-mwr00-l2-hua (Microwave radiometer retrieved humidity profile)
- hopm-lac-mwr00-l2-prw (Microwave radiometer retrieved prw)
- hopm-lac-mwr00-l2-ta (Microwave radiometer retrieved temeprature profile)
- hopm-trop-actos00-l1-any (Airborne measurements with ACTOS)
- hopm-trop-pyrnet00-l1-hur (Relative Humidity)
- hopm-trop-pyrnet00-l1-rsds (Shortwave broadband downwelling shortwave radiation (surface))
- hopm-trop-pyrnet00-l1-ta (Air temperature near to surface)