High resolution Land Atmosphere Parameters from Space HOLAPS
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- Description
- Parameters
- Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
- Data quality
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- References
- Data citation
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- Data access via file system: /data/icdc/atmosphere/holaps/
The High resOlution Land Atmosphere Parameters from Space (HOLAPS) framework provides a flexible mechanism for the estimation of land surface water and energy fluxes by maximizing the usage of state-of-the-art satellite data. The characteristics of the HOLAPS framework, its accuracy and methodology are described in Loew et al. (2015) (see references).
The data provided here is a demonstrator product that should enable researchers to investigate the general features of HOLAPS. As such, the demonstrator data product is only provided for a limited number of variables and also only for limited temporal and/or spatial domains. It is not supposed to be used for research studies.
A release of a HOLAPS 1.0 dataset is planned throughout the year 2016. This will comprise all variables listed below at full temporal and spatial resolution. The generation of this novel data set is currently under production.
Limitations of the demonstrator product are as follows
- monthly means for global data
- limited number of output variables (see parameters, in addition to those the following variables will be included in HOLAPS v1.0: surface sensible heat flux, surface albedo, surface net radiation, precipitation, surface temperature, surface downwelling longwave radiation flux in air, evaporation from soil, transpiration, evaporation from canopy interception storage, planetary boundary layer height)
In addition to the global data, a demonstrator for a high temporal resolution product the latent surface heat flux is provided at 30 minute temporal resolution for 2001-2005 for the Sahel region.
This data set is Version v0.9 beta.
Last update of data set at ICDC: February 19 2016.
Name | Unit | Comment |
Surface latent heat flux | W/m² | |
Surface solar radiation flux | W/m² | only global |
Volumetric soil moisture (4 layers) | m³/m³ | only global |
Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
Period and temporal resolution:
- Demonstrator: 01/2001 to 12/2005; HOLAPS1.0: 1998-2015
- Demonstrator: Monthly mean and (Sahel region only) 30-minute snapshots
Coverage and spatial resolution:
- Global, over land / Sahel region
- Spatial resolution: 0.05° x 0.05°, cartesian grid
- Geographic longitude: -180°E to 180°E (Sahel: -21.28°E to 42.57°E)
- Geographic latitude: -50°N to 50°N (Sahel: 10°N to 20°N)
- Dimension: 7200 columns x 3600 rows (Sahel: 1200 columns x 200 rows)
- Altitude: following topography
- NetCDF
Data quality
This HOLAPS demonstrator product does not contain uncertainty estimates.
The HOLAPS framework was comprehensively evaluated using 49 eddy covariance stations globally. The evaluation results are summarized in Loew et al. (2015). Overall, HOLAPS was found to provide accurate estimates of the surface net radiation and latent heat fluxes when compared against Fluxnet station data. Largest uncertainties come from the used satellite radiation data set. For details see Loew et al. (2015) in references.
Known limitations
- data gaps due to open water bodies which are currently not simulated by the HOLAPS framework
- HOLAPS 0.9 has the tendency to underestimate ET in case of high surface solar radiation and high leaf area index. This is due to a known bug in v0.9 which was already fixed. The bugfix is basis for the generation of v1.0 of HOLAPS
Jian Peng
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology / University of Munich
email: jian.peng (at) mpimet.mpg.deStefan Kern
ICDC / CEN / University of Hamburg
E-Mail: stefan.kern"AT"uni-hamburg.de
- Loew, A., Peng, J., and Borsche, M.: High resolution land surface fluxes from satellite data (HOLAPS v1.0): evaluation and uncertainty assessment, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 8, 10783-10841, 2015, doi:10.5194/gmdd-8-10783-2015, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmdd-8-10783-2015
Data citation
Please cite the data as follows:
Loew, A., Peng, J., and Borsche, M.: High resolution land surface fluxes from satellite data (HOLAPS v1.0): evaluation and uncertainty assessment, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 8, 10783-10841, doi:10.5194/gmdd-8-10783-2015, 2015.
and with the following acknowledgments:
HOLAPS data [PERIOD] as produced by Loew et al. (2015) were distributed by the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC).