Photosynthetically active radiation FAPAR from SPOT/PROBA-V/S3-OLCI

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- Description
- Parameters
- Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
- Data quality
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- References
- Data citation
RESTRICTED: This link to the data set is only available for a restricted user group. The data set is only accessible in CEN/MPI net or accessible from external nets with a customer account. Please contact ICDC if you would like to access this data from outside the network.
- View radiation data at 0.5 degree grid resolution at LAS Spot/Proba-V | Proba-V/S3OLCI
- Access radiation data at 0.5 degree grid resolution via OPeNDAP
- Data access via file system: /data/icdc/land/fapar_spot_proba_v
The Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) quantifies the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by live leaves for the photosynthesis activity. It refers only to the green and alive elements of the canopy and hence can be taken as one of the measures of canopy health status. It is one of the surface parameters that can be used in quantifying CO2 assimilation by plants and the release of water through evapotranspiration. The FAPAR depends on the canopy structure, vegetation element optical properties, atmospheric conditions, and angular configuration. To overcome this latter dependency, a daily integrated FAPAR value is assessed.
Top of canopy input reflectances from SPOT-4 & -5, PROBA-V, and - more recently - Sentinel-3 OLCI in various spectral bands (12 for Sentinel-3 OLCI, 3 otherwise), normalized over a period of 30 days are used in a neural network approach. Normalization over the 30-day period us done with a weighting function which favours the most recent daily observations of the compositing period. The neural network is trained with true (non-simulated) reflectance data and FAPAR estimates from fused existing products based on MODIS and CYCLOPES FAPAR products. Calibration of the neural network used for Sentinel-3 OLCI data is done with PROBA-V results.
For more information we refer to the ATBDs mentioned in the references section.
We offer various versions of this data set provided by COPERNICUS Global Land Service (see references).
Data were downloaded in netCDF file format with 1/112° (about 1 km) grid resolution (SPOT / PROBA-V) and 1/336° (about 1/3 km) grid resolution (PROBA-V / Sentinel-3 OLCI) at global coverage. These data are available from ICDC. We offer in addition a block-averaged version of the SPOT / PROBA-V 1/112 ° data and of the PROBA-V/S-3 OLCI 1/336° data at a 0.5° x 0.5° plate carree grid. Data are available for the latitude range 70°S to 80°N (60°S to 75°N for PROBA-V / Sentinel-3 OLCI). Note, however, that limited solar illumination reduces the maximum northern latitude to smaller values during winter.
Last update of data set at ICDC: January 9, 2025.
Name | Range | Comment | 0.5° | 1/112° | 1/336° |
Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active (400-700nm) radiation (FAPAR) | 0 ... 1 | resolution is 0.25% | x | x | x |
FAPAR RMSE | 0 ... 1 | resolution is 0.04 | x | x | x |
Number of land pixels | 0 ... 3136 ... 28224 | per 0.5° grid cell (see information in netCDF file) | x | ||
Number of valid data pixels | 0 ... 3136 ... 28224 | per 0.5° grid cell / 1/112° pixel or / 1/336° pixel (see information in netCDF file) | x | x | x |
Mean number of usable satellite data | 0 ... 120 | per 0.5° grid cell | x | ||
Cumulative number of usable satellite data | 0 ... 188160 ... 1693440 | per 0.5° grid cell | x | ||
Number of days included before date of product | 0 ... 60 days | x | x | ||
Number of days included after date of product | 0 ... 60 days | x | x | ||
Bitwise quality flag | 0 ... 255 | x | x | ||
Surface type flag | 1, 10, 20, 40 |
Dominant (major) surface type: See the respective value description in the netCDF files |
x | ||
(Primary) Retrieval flag | 0 ... 24 (114) |
Dominant (major) retrieval type: See the respective value description in the netCDF files |
x |
Secondary retrieval flag (PROBA-V/S3-OLCI) | 0 ... 114 |
second-most retrieval type: see the respective value description in the netCDF files |
x |
Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
Period and temporal resolution:
- 1998-11-10 to 2020-04-30 (SPOT/PROBA-V); 2014-01-10 to 2024-09-30 (PROBA-V/S3-OLCI)
- 10-daily sampling, 60-day effective resolution
Coverage and spatial resolution:
- Global
- Spatial resolution: 0.5° x 0.5° and 1/112° x 1/112° (SPOT/PROBA-V), 0.5° x 0.5° and 1/336° x 1/336° (PROBA-V/S3-OLCI)
- Geographic latitude: 90°S to 90°N and 60°S to 80°N (75°N)
- Geographic longitude: 180°W to 180°E
- Dimension: 360 rows x 720 columns and 15680 rows x 40320 columns (47040 rows x 120960 columns)
- Altitude: follows topography
- NetCDF
Data quality
The data sets at 1/112° and 1/336° grid resolution contain a bit-wise to read quality flag. The content of the flag can be read at the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation | Copernicus Global Land Service Website under the tab "Technical" (see references).
The 0.5° x 0.5° data set offered in addition contains two basic separate flags. One flag refers to the two surface types where FAPAR retrieval is either impossible or prone to larger uncertainties. The other flag refers to the type of retrieval, i.e. whether data are interpolated or whether special corrections were applied to account for high latitude / high solar zenith angle illumination conditions. In addition the number of valid 1/112° x 1/112° or 1/336° x 1/336° grid points used to compute the average value of the FAPAR and its uncertainty is given. As can be seen in the parameters section we give number of land pixels, number of valid pixels, and number of usable satellite data to convey information about reliability. We recommend to read the text given in the netCDF files. Note that we excluded FAPAR data where the average (over the 0.5° x 0.5° grid cell) relative error is larger than 50% for SPOT/PROBA-V but not for PROBA-V/S3-OLCI.
FAPAR products have been validated and inter-compared with independent observations - globally, regionally. for different biomes, and also with regard to the temporal development - and are reported to have a good quality, showing a spatial consistent global distribution of retrievals. Temporal profiles are very smooth and are highly consistent from year to year. More information about the validation efforts can be found in the validation reports listed under references.
We note that the PROBA-V/S3-OLCI data set contains jumps in the values when switching from combined PROBA-V/S3-OLCI to pure S3-OLCI between June 2020 and July 2020.
Frederic Baret
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France
email: frederic.baret (at) avignon.inra.frBruno Smets
VITO, Belgium
email: Bruno.Smets (at) vito.beStefan Kern
University of Hamburg
email: stefan.kern (at)
- ATBD PROBA2VGT report, ALGORITHM THEORETHICAL BASIS DOCUMENT, Gio Global Land Component -Lot I, ”Operation of the Global Land Component” (pdf, not barrier free)
- Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document: ATBD_v2_issueI1.41 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Product User Guide for Version 2: PUM_v2_issue1.33 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Validationsreports for SPOT: QAR_v2_issueI2.01 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Validationsreports for PROBA-V: QAR_v2_issueI1.40 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Scientific Quality Evaluation for version 1 & 2: SQE2018_v1v2_issueI1.00 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Scientific Quality Evaluation - Cross-cutting consistency: SQE2018_CCR_issueI1.00 (pdf, not barrier free)
- Baret, F., Weiss, M., Lacaze, R., Camacho, F., Makhmara, H., Pacholczyk, P., and Smets, B. (2013), GEOV1: LAI, FAPAR Essential Climate Variables and FCover global times series capitalizing over existing products. Part1: Principles of development and production. Remote Sensing of Environment, 137, 299–309.
- Baret, F., Hagolle, O., Geiger, B., Bicheron, P., Miras, B., Huc, M., Berthelot, B., Weiss, M., Samain, O., Roujean, J. L. et al. (2007), LAI, fAPAR and fapar CYCLOPES global products derived from VEGETATION. Part 1: Principles of the algorithm. Remote Sensing of Environment, 110, 275-286.
- Camacho, F., Cernicharo, J., Lacaze, R., Baret, F., and Weiss, M. (2013), GEOV1: LAI, FAPAR Essential Climate Variables and FCover global time series capitalizing over existing products. Part 2: Validation and inter-comparison with reference products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 137, 310-329.
- Verger, A., Baret, F., and Weiss, M. (2014), Near real-time vegetation monitoring at global scale. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7, 3473-3481.
- Tote, C., Swinnen, E., Sterckx, S., and 10 others (2018), Evaluation of PROBA-V Collection 1: Refined Radiometry, Geometry, and Cloud Screening. Remote Sensing, 10(9), 1375,
- COPERNICUS Global Land Service,
- Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation | Copernicus Global Land Service,
Data citation
Please cite the data as follows:
Baret, F., et al. (2013). GEOV1: LAI and FAPAR essential climate variables and FCOVER global time series capitalizing over existing products. Part1: Principles of development and production. Remote Sensing of Environment, 137: 299-309
Camacho, F., et al. (2013). GEOV1: LAI, FAPAR Essential Climate Variables and FCOVER global time series capitalizing over existing products. Part 2: Validation and intercomparison with reference products. Remote Sensing of Environment 137: 310-329
SPOT/PROBA-V: The product was generated by the land service of Copernicus, the Earth Observation program of the European Commission. The research leading to the current version of the product has received funding from various European Commission Research and Technical Development programs. The product is based on SPOT/VGT 1km data ((c) CNES / PROBA-V 1km data ((c) ESA and distributed by VITO) [when using the coarse-resolution data: provided on 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree plate carree grid] [last access date: August 26, 2020] in netCDF file format by the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
PROBA-V/S3-OLCI: The product was generated by the global component of the Land Service of Copernicus, the Earth Observation program of the European Commission. The research leading to the current version of the product has received funding from various European Commission Research and Technical Development programs. The product is based on PROBA-V and Sentinel-3 data (© ESA) [when using the coarse-resolution data: provided on 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree plate carree grid] [last access: December 19 2024] in netCDF file format by the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.